Denne maskine er et produkt af et velovervejet og stærkt samarbejde imellem de to anerkendte maskinproducenter Boschert og Gizeles. FC er en maskine der kan håndtere store metalplader op til 4000mm i længden og skæringen heri.
- Rigid heavy duty construction, with separate table, ensuring low level of vibrations
- Portal type design
- Capability of one (1) plasma cutting head and up to eight (8) oxy-cutting torches
- The whole system is extendable in length, without limits
- Transmission systems through rack and pinion for all axis
- Servo motors brushless type and digital driving system
- Full conformity with EU regulations on safety
- Cutting quality according to EN ISO 9013
- Full PC Compatibility
- Connectivity through local Ethernet network and/or Internet
- Built-in diagnostics for the entire system
- Dedicated industrial control, specially designed for cutting machines, including cutting tables, auto-nesting, DXF import, etc.
Teknisk information om FC
- Effective cutting width: 2000 – 4000mm
- Effective cutting length: 4000mm up to application demand
- Cutting speed: 10 – 8000mm (depending on the material type, thickness and plasma source)
- Positioning Accuracy: ±0.15mm
Læs mere om FC hos BOSCHERT-GIZELIS her.
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